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Webinar & Workshops: Regional Conjunctive Use Project Workshop

Time: 6:00-7:30 pm

Location: 3 County Center Drive, Oroville - Butte County Human Resources Training Room


Funded by the Sustainable Groundwater Management (SGM) Grant Program, the Wyandotte Creek Groundwater Sustainability Agency's (GSA) Regional Conjunctive Use Project consists of three phases: (1) Intra-Basin Water Exchange Feasibility Study, (2) Agricultural Surface Water Supplies Feasibility Study, and (3) Agricultural Irrigation Efficiency. Phase 1, Intra-Basin Water Exchange Feasibility Study, will focus on working with water purveyors with service areas within and outside the Subbasin to enhance their ability to divert supply and make it available to agricultural users within the subbasin. Phase 2, Agricultural Surface Water Supplies Feasibility Study, is intended to utilize existing surface water available in the region for agricultural users in the Wyandotte Creek subbasin. Phase 3, Agricultural Irrigation Efficiency will improve subbasin sustainability related to groundwater levels and groundwater storage by decreasing consumptive use (i.e., evaporation and transpiration or ET) by applying ET-based water management principles of precision irrigation and ET monitoring.

The purpose of this workshop is to solicit input from the public regarding water exchange options, discuss opportunities for using surface water for agricultural irrigation, and identify other multi-benefit water management opportunities. 

This workshop will also provide and update on Palermo community projects including the Butte County Department of Water and Resource Conservation's Palermo Clean Water Consolidation Project and Palermo Drainage Master Plan study to reduce flooding within the area.