Board Vacancy
Wyandotte Creek GSA Board Vacancies
The Wyandotte Creek GSA is looking to fill the Domestic Well User Stakeholder Director primary position and Agricultural Stakeholder Director alternate position.
Butte County is currently accepting applications for these two Board positions. If you are interested in applying, click here to access the Board application - please note that you will be redirected to the County's Board and Commission Vacancies webpage. Type Wyandotte Creek in the search bar and you will be directed to the appropriate page to submit an application.
About the Board
The Wyandotte Creek Groundwater Sustainability Agency (GSA) was created through a Joint Powers Agreement executed on September 18, 2018. The Member Agencies include Butte County, the City of Oroville and Thermalito Water and Sewer District.
The Wyandotte Creek GSA consists of a five member Board of Directors that consists of one seat for each Member Agency, and an Agricultural Stakeholder Director and a Domestic Stakeholder Director. There is also an alternate for each designated seat.
The Board of Directors is comprised of the following:
- Butte County Board of Supervisors, one primary member and one alternate member
- City of Oroville City Council, one primary member and one alternate member
- Thermalito Water and Sewer District Board of Directors, one primary member and one alternate member
- Agricultural Stakeholder Director, one primary member and one alternate member, appointed by the Board of Supervisors
- Domestic Well User Stakeholder Director, one primary member and one alternate member, appointed by the Board of Supervisors
Please note: The Alternate Director shall have no vote, and shall not participate in any discussions or deliberations of the Board unless appearing as a substitute for a Director due to absence or conflict of interest.
Appointment Process and Qualifications
The Butte County Board of Supervisors shall consider the Domestic Well User Stakeholder Director nominees at a regular meeting and shall appoint the Domestic Well User Stakeholder Director primary position. The Domestic Well User Stakeholder Director shall meet the following criteria, determined at the sole discretion of the Butte County Board of Supervisors: (1) reside in the Agency Jurisdiction and owns or leases residential real property in the Agency Jurisdiction; and (2) extracts groundwater from the Agency Jurisdiction for domestic water use only. The Domestic Well User Stakeholder may not be a party to any pending litigation against the Agency or any of its Members.
The Butte County Board of Supervisors shall consider the alternate nominees at a regular meeting and shall appoint the Agricultural Stakeholder Director alternate. The Agricultural Stakeholder Director alternate shall meet the following criteria, determined at the sole discretion of the Butte County Board of Supervisors: (1) reside in the Agency Jurisdiction; (2) own/lease real property in active commercial agricultural production overlying the Agency Jurisdiction or be an employee of a commercial agricultural production operation overlying the Agency Jurisdiction involved with water use decisions; (3) the commercial agricultural production operation extracts groundwater from the Agency Jurisdiction for the irrigation/frost protection of at least fifty (50) acres of agricultural crops in commercial operation; and (4) the business entity that the Agricultural Stakeholder represents has commercial agricultural interests solely within the Sacramento Valley region. The Agricultural Stakeholder, or the entity he/she represents, may not be a party to any pending litigation against the Agency or any of its Members.