Wyandotte Creek Public Workshop October 20th
If you missed the workshop, please see below for the recording:
GMT20211021-010347_Recording_1920x1080.mp4.crdownloadJoin the Wyandotte Creek Groundwater Sustainability Agency for a Public Workshop on Ocotber 20th from 6:00-8:00 pm. The workshop will be available in-person and online.
01_Wyandotte_Flyer_Workshop_FINAL.pdfWorkshop Documents:
Agenda_WyandotteCreekSubbasin_GSPWorkshop_10-20-21_FINAL.pdf01. INTRO PRESENTATION-Wyandotte Creek Subbasin_Public Workshop_10-20-21_FINAL.pdf02. CFBF-SGMA-Brochure.pdf03. Geosyntec_Wyandotte Creek GSP Public Workshop 10202021.pdf04_Wyandotte_GSP_Brochure_v2021.10_Final.pdfPlease see below for the comment form to provide comments on the workshop or the current draft form of the Wyandotte Creek Groundwater Sustainability Plan:
01_Draft GSP Comment Period_Wyandotte Creek_v1_FINAL.pdf